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Latesst Posts From My Garden Blog

Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Burbs

Nick and I took a drive (what else would you take?) through our future home in the burbs yesterday. We wanted to check out the area west of Forest Park. We found the following:

Kohls, that's cool...

Ok, its true. I get really excited about Olive Garden (like jump up and down excited)... so that's cool.

And THEN we saw THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I think it jumped in the car when we were at a gas station. First, I thought I felt it on my foot. Then, I thought I felt in on my hand. But, since I couldn't actually see it anywhere, I (and Nick) managed to convince myself that I was just imagining it. BUT THEN, as we stopped at a red light a few blocks from our apartment... I FOUND IT crawling up the edge my my seat... that's NOT COOL. I totally freaked out... I jumped out of the car, shook myself off... and starting walking home. No way was I getting back in the car with that thing. I'm sure that the people in cars around us thought that Nick and I had just had a big fight or something... Its not him.. it CICADA OF DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. OMFG! You are too funny. How did Nick react to your jumping out of the car?

  2. i'm with you on the jumping out, but i would have made sure it was out, and then got back in.

  3. Well, I gave Nick warning by saying "ok, i'm jumping out of the car" before I actually did it. But he was probably glad that I did because my squeeling made it hard for him to drive savely
