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Latesst Posts From My Garden Blog

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

At Least I'll Have Something To Blog About...

... is what I thought after the lady in the elevator today said to me "When is your baby due?" to which I replied "I'm not pregnant, I'm just fat."

I can't blame her. As a matter of fact, I've been waiting on this moment for a while now. Just the other day I told my coworker that I even looked forward to it, because it would be funny. It was funny, but also kind of sad.

I think the lady felt pretty dumb. She was like "oh, I"m sorry, Oh, I'm so embarrassed... You're not fat!!!" LOL

I guess its just my luck that I got the gene that makes me carry almost all my excess weight right in front, creating a misleading foux baby bump.

At least now I know that other people do indeed notice too.... *sigh*

1 comment:

  1. My faux pregnant belly is about 3-4 months along. I'm just lucky enough that I can usually hide it under my clothes :P

    Seriously, I have a friend who just had her first baby yesterday, and her tummy in her 30 weeks pictures was only a little bit bigger than mine.

    In a bikini, people would TOTALLY think I was packin' baby...which is why I won't wear one ;)
