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Latesst Posts From My Garden Blog

Monday, June 25, 2007

4 Days Holy Crap!

Thanks to my trusty blog countdown timer, I realized today that we have FOUR DAYS before we close on both houses. This means, we have four days to finish packing, pack a 22 foot truck with a house, apartment, and storage unit worth full of crap. It also means, in four days, we'll be shelling out more money than I've ever spent on anything. Just a bit But all in all, we are VERY excited. We look forward to being able to share our new digs with all of the famly and friends visitors we'll have in the future. We already have a in-laws slumber party scheduled (Nick's mom and step dad and my dad and step mom) for Labor day weekend. (We didn't go about planning a multiple in-law party, it just sort of worked out that way... but it should be fun.) We're very excited to be able to now offer our guests a real guest room (instead of a bed in the unfinished basement or a futon in the living room) as well as a real door with which to protect yourself from flying kitties (Keenan liked to hide in the rafters in the basement and jump onto the heads of our sleeping guests in the middle of the night) and/or needy puppies. Eventually, we will even have a guest bathroom, too! I feel like I'm writing an ad for "nick and jessica's bed and breakfast"... haha. We like having visitors, can you tell?

So yeah.... we're so excited... we have LOTS of work to do, but I'm sure it wont be long before we're enjoying our new place.



  1. I don't believe I experienced Keenan flying from the rafters. I think I'd remember that.

  2. No, it was Brandi who got the pleasure

  3. i think i could easily sleep through flying kitties, but needy puppies tend to put off too much body heat for my tastes.
