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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Self Fullfilling Prophacy

(What follows is my attempt to convince myself that my job is actually really awsome, even though I've been so cranky about it lately. I think that it is probably really awsome, I just don't feel that way most of the time. This is an attempt to put a positive spin on my current attitude about work. This is probably the first of many upcoming installments of positive thinking)

I love my job. I have so much freedom to arrive when I want. Dr.'s appointment? No problem, just make up the hours tomorrow... Want to listen to my iPod? That's cool too. I can surf the web, check email, blog, etc. as much as my conscience will allow. And, even if I do have to do actual work, most of that involves reading about transit. I love transit. It is so cool. Although I've almost started to take it for granted, it remains true that Chicago's transit system is one of the best in the US, and so much superior to the transit systems anywhere else I've ever lived. If you need to get somewhere in Chicago, chances are a bus or train can get you there. And, I love this city too, dammit. I feel so lucky to be able to live here. Despite having to hang out with the Gucci buying, Starbucks-permanently-attached-to-hand-drinking, sunglasses-bigger-than-face-wearing, rhinestone-cell-phone-talking, hair-extension tossing, tea-cup-poodle-spray-painted-pink-carrying rich girls who are shopping at the mega-expensive designer stores on my block and with whom I have absolutely nothing in common, it is nice that my office is located on the "Mag Mile". (Uh oh, that last sentence was a bit cranky). But anyway, I walk past one of the country's tallest buildings every day. I get to smile at the tourists, and sometimes they ask me to take their picture or tell them where the train is. I get to see the Chicago River or Lake Michigan on my way to work. I have my choice of about six different transit routes to my office, and it takes less than twenty minutes to get there. I can talk to my sweetie on the phone during the work day. I can take my shoes off at my desk. This job was such a good starting place for me in the field of public transit. My boss has worked for just about every transit organization in town (RTA, CTA, etc.) and she knows everyone in the field, so she's a good contact to have. This job pays more than I probaby deserve and way more than any nonprofit job I could get right now.

This job is much better than trying to sell phone service to people (the job I had when I decided to come to Chicago for grad school.)

Work is GREAT!!!!!

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