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Monday, April 16, 2007

Help Wanted

Hey guys. My friend Dazzlefresh is looking for people to help him publish his very own parody magazine. He's looking for people who have a dry sense of humor and who have graphic design / journalism / photography skills they're willing to share for cheap. DF and I studied abroad together back in undergrad, so I don't think most of you have met him. But I can vouch for his coolness (and a great writer in my opinion). Just thought I'd pass along the info in case any of you are interested.


  1. Maybe? I'd help if I could...I just don't know if I can write the way he wants.

  2. I dunno what kinda help / writing he's looking for. I just thought I'd pass the info along. If you have questions, you should e-mail him. I told him that he might get some emails from you guys.
