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Latesst Posts From My Garden Blog

Friday, July 13, 2007

Random Notes

Its weird when you're sitting in the neighborhood pizzeria (appropriately called PizzaRia by the way), dressed in grimy painting clothes, eating pizza, and a stretch Hummer pulls up outside, several stilettos-with-jeans girls get out and come in for some pizza. I guess, everyone has to eat?

If you ever fall asleep in your SUV while sitting at a red light long enough for the light to turn green, the ten cars ahead of you go through the light, several people pass you (w/o honking, I guess its a suburb thing), a couple on their way to the "L" see you, have a three minute conversation about if you're having a medical crisis and if they should do something, and that couple to approach your car to see if you're responsive, THEN YOU HAVE A PROBLEM!!! ...although it was a bit impressive how you were able to keep your foot on the break the whole time.

I think that Nick and I can agree that commuting to work together in the morning (at least together until the point where he gets off the train and I keep riding it into downtown) is cool. But, it is a bit weird because we're the only people on the train having a conversation. Does that make us annoying?

Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser is, indeed, magic. If you ever need to get scuffs off your wall and you don't want to have the repaint, I highly suggest it, although I have no idea what its made of or how toxic it might be. (Update: Click here to read the wikipedia article about what a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser is made of. Also, click here to read the urban legend, or is it?, regarding the safety of this product.)

If you were me, and you had recently packed your camera doc in a box and moved it to your new house, which box would you have used and where would that box currently be located? (reason for no new pics on the blog, sorry)



  1. I love Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, although I usually buy the Target-brand ones. I worry about them being environmentaly wrong too, but nothing else cleans like that. They're awesome for bathtubs, etc.

  2. i'm not much of a fan of the magic eraser myself. if you've ever cleaned somthing dark colored (like a black appliance) with one, you'll find that they leave a residue behind. if you do have something difficult to clean, the magic eraser will clean it off, but then you have to clean the residue off with water and a soft cloth. or at least you do if you were raised by my mother.
