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Latesst Posts From My Garden Blog

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Bad Haircut , Animals, y Espanol


  1. Best vlog yet.


    I laughed so freaking hard at the Posh spice caption, at the slow-mo spin in the chair to show off your non-Posh haircut, the "shitty" comment, and the bowl.

    Holy crap. That was hilarious.

    Also, glad you liked the card! <3

  2. my brother used to have that haircut where they use a bowl, but it was the early eighties then. later he had the same haircut i have now, so what the hell. i'm just glad he got married in the winter so he had hair at his wedding.

    anyway, i think you might have to grow it out some to get it fixed or they'll have to cut it really short.

    i also love the disclaimer.

  3. You're vlogging! When did that happen? The haircut is rad, and you're hilarious...Sorry I missed talking to you on your b'day. I'm late for work now! Talk soon?

  4. JESS-- I wanted to say LOL-- but I didn't think it would truly portray the fact that I literacy LAUGHED OUT LOUD-- TEARS AND ALL-- at this vlog. I totally agree that the posh comment as well as slow-mo non-posh hair chair spin was HILARIOUS!!! I played it twice :-) Is the goldfish one of the goldfish that Nick used to have when he lived with my Grandparents? I remember that he had Wacko (or Yacko?) and Dot I think... and I think he also had Ioda (sp?). Anyhow-- you are so funny and I loved this vlog. I think I'll go watch it again.

  5. also-- I meant to say literally instead of literacy. sorry.
