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Latesst Posts From My Garden Blog

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Note: This will mean something to someone out there, although I'm not sure who that is yet. If it means nothing to you and is confusing, just ignore it. I'll explain it later. :)


  1. If you want him back, meet me at sunset on the highway past the county line.

    come alone

    no police

    the crow flies at midnight


  2. Oooooooooooh! Okay, I understand now. Before I thought J-Dog had really gone 'round the bend!

  3. Just so you know...I read that as "moron" not "moon"...I have problems.

    Oh, and did you happen to find a strange little off-white rubber stopper in your basement next to the treadmill? It was missing from my air mattress. If not, that's fine, since I bought myself a new one already.

  4. My mom read it as moron as well. She wanted to know who the moron was. And yes, we did find a stopper; and where did you find a new one? We lost ours to our air mattress, so we just threw it out (after carrying it around for another 6 months).
