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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Bake Sale Time!

This past weekend we held a bake sale for the community garden. I baked several different items, including pies, sugar cookies, totally awesome vegan chocolate chip cookies, rice krispy squares, brownies, and a couple cakes. I made a schedule for the whole week leading up to the bake sale that had me baking every night. By Friday night, I was completely sick of baked goods. Nevertheless, I pulled an all night bake-a-thon so that we could make as much money as possible at the bake sale on Saturday. When I was up making cookies at 3 AM, it started raining. It didn't stop raining until after 2 o'clock on Saturday, which meant we spent the entire 5 hours of the sale huddles in the rain under out totally ghetto tent we bought for 30 bucks at the grocery store. It was unseasonably cold, wet, and completely miserable. Sales were less than brisk, but we did manage to almost sell out and make $350 for the garden. A hot shower never felt so good as it did after spending half a day in the cold rain. Despite the miserable conditions, I think it can be called a success and I already sort of look forward to doing it again next year. Here are some pictures to document the mayhem:

Blueberry pies

My famous "totally awesome Earth Voice vegan chocolate chi cookies"

what my kitchen looked like at 4 a.m.

food cooling in the window... made me feel all old fassioned 'n stuff

flower cokies!

getting the table set up... note that it is already raining!