Announcement: My garden blog URL has changed. Click here to visit my new Dig-It-Yourself garden blog!

Latesst Posts From My Garden Blog

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Its New Years Eve, Is It?

Hello hello. So its December 31st, 2008... 2008... 2008? seriously? Holy crap! Tomorrow it will be 2009, in two months I'll turn 29, and in two years we'll be commemorating the 10th anniversary of September 11th. Holy crap (again).

So I guess you could say I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by the new year this time. I'm not sure why, although this year I've definitely realized how it feels to be over-extended, to have too many hobbies, interests, commitments, and obligations. Not that its been a bad year; actually its been a really good year. And in the current age of layoffs, foreclosures, and gaps in health coverage, we certainly have a lot to be thankful for. But that was another holiday.

After ruminating on it for a few days over the countless open bar / food / music / $40 a head (and those are the cheap ones) packages offered around town, Nick and I finally decided that we'd spend our new years eve at home having chocolate and cheese fondue, which is what we did last year. Usually I get a bit twitchy about staying in on new years eve. I think its because I spent what seemed like an eternity during my teens and perhaps even early 20's sitting at home on new years wishing I lived in a cool enough place / had friends close enough to hang out with / was old enough to get into bars, all which I saw as pre-requirements for new years eve fun. I spent so much time envisioning flashy exciting new years eve party events that I think a part of me fears that staying home is a bit of a failure.

But you know what? I think perhaps I shall go ahead right here and right now and declare this fondue-at-home thing a new years tradition. There, that takes some of the lameness out, right? Fondue is fun because its something we don't do very often... as a matter of fact I don't think we've had fondue since LAST new years eve. Also, it gives us a chance to sit around and talk about our year and inevitably talk about our plans for next year and all those resolutions begging to be made.

Ok, there, I feel much better now. Tomorrow we'll of course be heading to one of our favorite restaurants in Chicago (Cafe Baba Reba) for Spanish style tapas. If you wear your pajamas then you get gift certificates equaling the amount you spent to use at some other point during the next year. Do I hear Valentine's Day anyone?

So that's it for now. Have a good new years everyone!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

OMG, My Blog Hasn't Been Deleted....

I wonder how long a blog has to go untouched before it gets automatically deleted off blogger... Apparently my recent lapse of over a month was not long enough. Neither is the hiatus of nearly six months I've taken from my garden blog. Well, good. Its not like I've been trying to get my blog deleted... I've just been... busy, um yeah that's it. Well I have been busy yes, but lets face it, I'm just a slacker by nature so I guess this is what you get.

I did want to make an announcement that I plan to do a my-2008-garden-season retrospective using the millions of pictures of the garden I took throughout the year. Even though I wasn't garden blogging since July, I kept taking pictures, having it in mind that I'd post them some day. Yes, this sounds like a good idea.

Right now I'm at work trying to kill some time before I can go home. We've been hitting it pretty hard around here for the past few weeks so don't even ask me if I feel guilty about the fact that I came in an hour late, took an hour and a half lunch, and will leave "on time" today. The way I see it, I've earned it. I'll get back to being productive tomorrow, at least that's the plan. But it doesn't help that I have my x-mas gift and chore list floating around in my head 24/7. I took care of two gifts today, actually. That what made me late and made my lunch break so long. This always happens this time of year and it seems to be ok. I'll make it up sooner than later when we have a big dealine and I'm in the office until 10PM for a week.

So, that's about it. I just wanted to check in over here, make sure my blog was still here, and let you know that I'm still alive.
